A headshot of Tracy Smith

2022-23 Eichner Women Writers Series Lecture Hosts Two-Term U.S. Poet Laureate

NDMU sign on Charles Street

NDMU to Collaborate with Local Schools Through Educator Preparation Pipeline to Increase College Completion Program

Rachel Maj

SANND Class Representative, Peer Mentor and Tutor Discusses Her 15-Month Hybrid Experience at NDMU

Erin Campbell

After 12 Years Working in Education, Hybrid Program Graduate Shares What Inspired Career Change to Nursing

A teacher and student in a classroom

NDMU Set to Expand Growth Opportunities for Teachers with New Social-Emotional Learning and Flourishing Certificate in 2023

Materials at an art therapy class

Accreditation Highlights Program’s Success Preparing Students to Excel in Growing Profession

Theresa Hall

NDMU’s Undergraduate and Graduate Education Programs Recognized for National Excellence

NDMU nursing students at the NSNA conference

Four-Day Conference Included Networking Opportunities, an NCLEX Review Session, Professional Workshops and Career Panels

Jensen Armstrong

Jensen Armstrong ’24 Earns Position within Museum’s American Painting & Sculpture Department

Caroline and Theresa Halls
Capital Gazette

School of Education assistant professors Kristine Larson and Molly Dunn discuss NDMU's involvement in Anne Arundel County Public School's Student and Teacher Alliances for Flourishing.