Rochelle headshot

Rochelle Thompson '22 Recognized for Commitment to Solving Public Problems

men moving mirror
Digital Photo Magazine

Digital Photo interviews NDMU alum Rebecca Rothey about her second-place win in their Street Scene 2020 Photo Contest. After shooting photography for 20 years, Rothey considers herself an advanced amateur photographer. She discusses her craft, how she got started and what inspires her.

headshot of brandy garlic outside meletia hall

Dr. Brandy Garlic Recognized for Excellence in Student Development

Nursing student interview with WBAL

Dean for the School of Nursing, Kathy Wisser, and ABSN student, Paige Clark, speak to how NDMU is filling the dire need for nurses in Baltimore and throughout the state with the Accelerated Second Degree BSN program.

teach kneels down to talk to sitting student at desk

$50k Teagle Foundation Grant to MICUA Aids Community College Transfer Students

Close up of President Marylou Yam

Dr. Marylou Yam, President of Notre Dame of Maryland University, will become Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Maryland Independent Colleges and Universities Association (MICUA) effective July 1, 2021.

Maria Mouratidis teaching in front of a class

Maria Mouratidis, Psy.D., professor and Chair of the Psychology Department and Chair of the Criminology Department, was awarded the Meritorious Civilian Service Medal from the Office of the Secretary of the Army. This medal, the second-highest award and medal provided to civilian employees within agencies of the federal government of the United States, is in recognition of her expertise, leadership, and service.

gibbons tower with college challenge seal

Today, President Biden announced the COVID-19 College Vaccination Challenge as a part of the Administration’s “Month of Action” to help the nation reach the President’s goal of 70% of adults having at least one vaccine dose by Independence Day. NDMU joins colleges and universities across the country as members of the COVID-19 College Vaccination Challenge.

Nursing student reading a book in front of the School of Nursing logo
WMAR Baltimore

Notre Dame of Maryland University now offers a 15 month accelerated program to students who already have a bachelor's degree in a non-nursing field. The expedited curriculum includes options for on campus learning or an online hybrid course.