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The Alumni Community has more than 26,000 alums in our community, residing in all 50 states and in 39 countries. Connect with graduates around the world or just around the corner.
Passed down from each graduating class, our traditions bind us together as one Notre Dame family. They ground us in our founding principles and create moments that become fond memories shared across generations. These traditions give alumni plenty of ways to get together and celebrate every year.
Our alumni group is a great professional networking tool and an opportunity to locate job postings and connect with fellow alumni.
Check out photos from recent events, find other alumni, discover upcoming events or just browse.
Alumnae and Alumni Community on Facebook
Follow NDMUalums and be sure to use #NDMUalums to share photos with the Notre Dame community.
Follow the Student Alumni Leadership Council to learn more about the organization and see how you can get involved with our students.
Look for NDMU news, alumni updates, and the latest info on upcoming events.