All in-person and virtual events will be listed below. To see a full list of upcoming webinars and past recordings, click here.

3 Keys To Healthy Boundaries: Say No, Speak Up For Yourself, and Confidently Express What You Want

Thursday, July 11 I 12 PM I Virtual
Register Here!

Do you struggle with feeling over-committed, stretched thin, or overwhelmed by all the demands of your life? Perhaps you feel guilt or fear about saying no, letting others down, or missing out. If so, you are one of millions who might struggle with boundaries without even knowing it. In this illuminating webinar, join Confidence Expert and author of the bestselling book Not Nice, Dr. Aziz Gazipura will help you to feel a more spacious sense of freedom and power to direct your own life. Use your newfound skill of setting healthy boundaries to create better relationships, deeper connections, and more confidence in your work life.

Aziz Gazipura and book cover


NDMU Alumni Orioles Game

Saturday, July 13 I 2:05 PM I Camden Yards

A summer tradition continues as we gather our Gators to cheer on the Orioles! Join us at Camden Yards to watch the O's take on the New York Yankees! Get together with family, friends, alumnae, and alumni to root for the home team. Your Alumni Engagement Team is offering a discounted ticket price that includes a credit for free food and drinks during Early Bird Saturday, where you can enjoy happy hour, live music, and more. We have reserved seats in section 75 overlooking the outfield.

NDMU Alumni Orioles Game July 13


Get to the Point: Communicate More By Saying Less

Tuesday, July 16 I 12 PM I Virtual
Register Here!

Whether you’re an executive, manager, or starting out, you can’t seal the deal or make your point unless you can speak clearly and concisely. In this eye-opening webinar, author and certified speaking professional Diane DiResta will share how to create a crisp message, discover where you stumble, and identify your most common speaking situation. You will benefit from these tools she has built from decades of experience. You will learn to be crisp in your delivery, and your credibility will soar!

Diane DiResta and book cover


Emotion by Design: Creative Leadership Lessons From a Life at Nike

Tuesday, July 23 I 12 PM I Virtual
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In this engaging webinar, bestselling author and former CMO at NIKE Greg Hoffman unveils the concept of "Emotion by Design," illustrating how we can all harness its power to craft products, stories, and experiences that make people feel that even their most audacious pursuits are possible to achieve. He will share the philosophy and methodology behind creating a brand that empowers and deeply resonates with people, unveiling his three guiding principles: Creativity is a Team Sport, Dare to Be Remembered and Spark a Movement. These principles served as the cornerstone of Hoffman's leadership at Nike, where he played a pivotal role in shaping the company's brand identity and voice through compelling storytelling and immersive experiences.

Greg Hoffman and book cover


Data-Driven DEI: A Blueprint to Achieving Lasting Impact with Your DEI Initiatives

Wednesday, August 7 I 12 PM I Virtual
Register Here!

How can you effectively use data to accelerate your DEI efforts? In this enlightening webinar, author and DEI expert Dr. Randal Pinkett will present his Data-Driven DEI™ simple, step-by-step process—centered on people first and then organizations—to help you assess your DEI current state, analyze that data to create a personal and organizational action plan and implement data-driven, science-based, and technology-enabled interventions for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion. It begins with self-reflection and introspection to identify your DEI Incentives. These intrinsic and extrinsic factors motivate you to pursue DEI and culminate in a cyclical, groundbreaking five-step cycle that delivers a practical and evidence-based blueprint to achieving lasting impact with your DEI initiatives.

Dr. Randal Pinkett and book cover


Find Your True Self in a Noisy World

Wednesday, August 14 I 12 PM I Virtual
Register Here!

Has anyone called you naive for suggesting that business can do more good and positively impact not just profits but also employees, consumers, and the world? Joshua Berry, author of Dare to Be Naive, contends that intentional naivete isn't a hindrance but a catalyst for innovation, positive transformation, and better business outcomes. This unique webinar will explore the power of curiosity, trust, authenticity, and optimism – the positive attributes of chosen naivete – and how embracing them can lead to a more fulfilling professional and personal life.

Joshua Berry and book cover


8 Ways to Increase Self-Confidence in Your Career and Life

Wednesday, August 21 I 12 PM I Virtual
Register Here!

Do you sometimes feel like you are not enough? Do you feel like you're not seen or heard at work? Self-confidence is needed no matter what industry you are in to build your career and/or business. A report from Gitnux mentioned that 93% of people believe self-confidence is critical to professional success. In this eye-opening webinar, Sheena Yap ChanWall Street Journal bestselling author of The Tao of Self-Confidence, will share with you her 3-step process to building self-confidence, eight ways to increase self-confidence, along with actionable steps that you can use in your own journey. After this webinar, you will feel confident enough to speak up, live life on your own terms, be unapologetically yourself, show up, and have a mindset shift and, in turn, create your dream life.

Sheena Yap Chan and book cover


Student and Alumni Welcome Mixer

Thursday, August 29 I 6:00 PM I Noyes House, NDMU Campus
Register Here!

Hosted by the Young Alumni Committee and the Student Alumni Leadership Council, you're invited to this Welcome Week event with new and returning students. At this casual networking event, you will be able to share your Notre Dame experiences and help guide students in their college career. Light refreshments will be served.

Welcome Mixer on August 29


Turning Anxiety Into a Blessing: How to Use Anxiety to Thrive

Tuesday, September 10 I 12 PM I Virtual
Register Here!

Let’s face it: Everyone has anxiety. Furthermore, our ongoing quest to rid ourselves of this ubiquitous human emotion worsens it. What if, instead of fighting our anxiety, we could turn it into a strength? This enlightening webinar will teach you how to use anxiety to become more self-accepting, connected to others, and resilient. Author of Thriving with Anxiety, Dr. David H. Rosmarin’s constructive, compassionate, and evidence-based approach will not make you less anxious. Instead, it will empower you to use anxiety to thrive.

David H. Rosmarin and book cover


Strategies for Leading Through Inevitable Setbacks

Wednesday, September 18 I 12 PM I Virtual
Register Here!

Setbacks are unavoidable in any career journey, from C-suite executives, to those just starting out, to teams navigating staffing changes after layoffs or restructuring. But once we understand how to work through the cycle collectively, we'll have the tools to foster growth not only for ourselves but for our organizations, teams, and communities. Amy Shoenthal, author of The Setback Cycle, has studied how leaders work through setbacks for the past few years. In this webinar, she'll offer a sneak peek at some of her research around the neuroscience of setbacks, helping us understand why this phenomenon happens and offering tips and tools to work through the phases of The Setback Cycle. You will walk away with a framework to guide decision-making, set boundaries, prioritize your focus areas, and get clarity on your next move.

Amy Shoenthal and book cover


Accelerate Your Reinvention with a New Networking Mindset

Thursday, September 26 I 12 PM I Virtual
Register Here!

As you imagine new possibilities for your professional future, don’t let past habits and outdated notions about “networking” hamper your transformation. This is the perfect time for you to adopt a new networking mindset and reimagine how to engage and build strong connections to advance your ambitions. In this dynamic and practical webinar, author, networking strategist, and coach J. Kelly Hoey provides fresh insights and actionable network-building tips to accelerate your reinvention (and calm any lingering networking anxieties). You will learn about reimagining networking, goals + networking, and networking quick-fixes.

J. Kelly Hoey and book cover


Alumni Weekend

Friday, September 27 - Sunday, September 29 I All Day I NDMU Campus
Register Here!

Save the date for Alumni Weekend on September 27 - 29, 2024! Registration will open on July 1, 2024. Alumni Weekend is for all alumni, and their family and friends. Anyone celebrating a milestone reunion that's from a class ending in a 4 or 9 is especially encourage to attend! More information will be posted on the Alumni Weekend page as we get closer to the event.

Alumni Weekend Save the Date September 27-29