An Experience Beyond Clinical Skill

Mercedes Venzen

Alum, NDMU Class of 2017

Nursing (Entry-Level BSN)
My Notre Dame experience has allowed me to see that nursing is so much more than clinical skill. Because of this program I am a more caring, respectful, well-rounded individual. What's Next for Mercedes: Johns Hopkins Hospital - Cardiac Care Unit

Dual Master Program in Early Intervention & Neuroeducation at University of Barcelona, Spain

Maria del Pilar Munoz

Alum, NDMU Class of 2017

In the field of education, you never stop learning and you will learn from your students as well. I am looking forward to my master’s degree and being able to share all of my knowledge with my students to help them succeed. I want my students to remember me as someone who changed their life and as a role model.

A Strong Foundation for Nursing

Maci Zellers

Alum, NDMU Class of 2017

Nursing (Entry-Level BSN)
I have learned how to think critically and take accountability for all of my actions and decisions. I feel that the training and background knowledge I have learned at Notre Dame provides with me a good foundation to making a good nurse. What's Next for Maci: University of Maryland - St. Joseph Medical Center in Labor & Delivery

Well Prepared to Pursue My Passion

Lauren Romagnano

Alum, NDMU Class of 2017

English, Drama
Through both the rigorous academic pathways and the extensive connections that the drama program has provided, I'm well prepared to enter a field that is focused solely on my favorite area of Shakespeare's theatre. What's Next for Lauren: Mary Baldwin University, Master’s Program Shakespeare & Performance Dual Masters in Literature & Fine Arts

Hands On Learning Opportunities

Kelsey Schmidbauer

Alum, NDMU Class of 2017

Nursing (Entry-Level BSN)
The clinical cases, patient simulations and clinical hours in the Notre Dame Nursing School Program helped to build my confidence and prepare me for real life situations that I will face during my career. What's Next for Kelsey: University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore

Courage to Step Outside of My Comfort Zone

Jane Lebherz

Alum, NDMU Class of 2017

Nursing (Entry-Level BSN)
Since beginning my college experience at Notre Dame, I have been willed to step out of my comfort zone continuously. The courage that it takes to move out of my comfort zone will follow me into my Registered Nurse position on the NICU as I care for some of the tiniest, most unstable patients the hospital holds. What's Next for Jane: Johns Hopkins Hospital - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Dreams of Becoming a Doctor

Erika Deppenschmidt

Alum, NDMU Class of 2017

Notre Dame has fostered my confidence and helped me develop tools and skills to excel in any circumstance. I am looking forward to success in graduate school and achieving my dreams of becoming a doctor. What's Next for Erika: Stony Brook University School of Medicine, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology

Leadership & Teamwork

Cleaya Antes

Alum, NDMU Class of 2017

Nursing (Entry-Level BSN)
Notre Dame has given me numerous opportunities to practice my leadership and teamwork abilities. Nursing is a profession which requires both, as nurses are the ones that advocate for the patients and must work together in order to promote patient safety.

I Found My Calling

Kristin Kneller

Alum, NDMU Class of 2017

The professors gave me invaluable feedback on lessons, and my internship experience allowed me to practice my teaching skills in a real classroom setting. Notre Dame gave me the skills and opportunity to cultivate those skills in my four years here. I found my passion and my calling, now I'm off to pursue it. What's Next for Kristin: Elementary Education Teacher, Indian River School District in Sussex County DE

A Huge Advantage

Aylia Fatima

Alum, NDMU Class of 2017

My experience at NDMU has given me the confidence to step out in the real world and be able to express and exchange ideas effectively, all of which, I believe offer me a huge advantage. What's Next for Aylia: Audit Associate, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP