Amelia King – School of Arts, Sciences and Business

BALTIMORE – For close to three years, Amelia King worked a 4:30 to 9:30 a.m. shift at Amazon before heading to Notre Dame of Maryland University for her classes. She also mixed in a second job selling insurance for State Farm on the side.

All in all, King worked six days a week for a majority of her college career, using her one “off day” to catch up on coursework and her personal life. Her perseverance, however, paid off in the end, as she already has a full-time job lined up at an accounting firm downtown where she interned this semester.

Neena Rodriguez – School of Nursing

BALTIMORE – Neena Rodriguez is set to become the first nurse in her family after graduating from Notre Dame of Maryland University later this month.

Rodriguez was drawn to the profession due to the kindness and compassion demonstrated by nurses during several hospital stints as a child, including one which required an extended stay over Christmas. She will soon have a chance to provide that same type of care to patients at Mercy Medical Center, where she will work in the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.

Jodi-Ann Gayle – School of Pharmacy

BALTIMORE – After working for several years as a community pharmacist in her home country of Jamaica, Jodi-Ann Gayle decided to expand her career potential by earning a Pharm.D. degree in the United States.

Gayle, who had friends and family in the area, centered her pharmacy school search around Maryland, and she was quickly drawn to Notre Dame of Maryland University as the best option to continue her educational journey.

Alyson Geckle – School of Arts, Sciences and Business

BALTIMORE – Alyson Geckle made the most of her three years on campus at Notre Dame of Maryland University.

After accumulating a significant amount of college credit in high school and taking several 18-credit semesters on campus, Geckle will be graduating a year early at NDMU’s 2024 Commencement Ceremony on May 22. She was academically driven throughout her time at Notre Dame, and an internship with the Maryland State Police last summer helped confirm that she had chosen the right path as a criminology major.