The STEM program at Notre Dame gave me the content knowledge and confidence I needed to create authentic experiences for my students. Now, I am able to capitalize on my creativity and passion for developing meaningful learning opportunities in the early childhood setting. I have also taken on multiple leadership roles in Baltimore City Schools by creating professional development and curriculum for Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers. Currently, I am collaborating with other educators by presenting at conferences such as MAEOE and working with my team on a special 100Kin10 project.
Leadership in Teaching: Cultural Proficiency Leadership
The Cultural Proficiency Leadership Endorsement Program at NDMU is one of the few educational programs throughout years of professional development that actually transformed the way I look at education, especially as it relates to my role as an educator. We formed a partnership in this program; we developed an energy of mutual understanding where we could individually reflect, yet collectively challenge and grow in our personal and professional lives as it relates to our impact on the diverse identities of our students and our society. The coursework allowed me to transcend beyond the writing on the wall in order to question the institutionalized structures that mask reality and limit the success of our students in public school education. This program will change much more than your perspective, it will change your purpose.
Leadership in Teaching: Cultural Proficiency Leadership
The Cultural Proficiency Master’s Program has given me new life: pedagogical knowledge, intellectual discourse, and current research tools to prepare me to become a ‘Cultural Race Theorist.’ I’ve gained a greater level of appreciation and understanding of myself and others.
Not only has my understanding of STEM grown from micro to macro, but this program has empowered me to be better and do better as an educator in general. In addition, by completing this program, I now have the knowledge base and skills required to lead my colleagues in delivering highly effective STEM lessons which will in turn help to build productive 21st century citizens.
I cannot say enough about how satisfied I am with the Notre Dame of Maryland University STEM Certification program. I had completed a master’s degree and considered myself a seasoned teacher before entering the program. However, it was not until the final class, where we reflected upon our experience and personal pedagogies, that I truly understood my purpose, direction, and goals as an educator. STEM is so much more than Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. It is the universal framework we use to understand, communicate, and create knowledge.
Leadership in Teaching: Cultural Proficiency Leadership
The Cultural Proficiency Leadership Master Program taught me, as an educator, how to effectively reach my students’ academic goals by implementing their cultures and experiences into the curriculum. I learned to allow my students to see themselves within the lessons to make learning relevant and meaningful for them. The professors were extremely knowledgeable and insightful about the content. They challenge you as a student and as an educator in the pursuit to achieve excellence. I was imparted with skills that will benefit our growing diverse student population. This program is not just a destination, but a learning journey.
Leadership in Teaching: Cultural Proficiency Leadership
As a member of the Latinx community, the Cultural Proficiency Leadership Master's Program provided a foundation and a framework for my work. The program has transformed the way I view myself, the world, and my interactions with others. I am a different person because of the growth and experiences as a result from this journey. As the journey continues, I realize that I’m also more conscious about the humanity of others, as well as my own. Thank you for this life changing opportunity!
Leadership in Teaching: Cultural Proficiency Leadership
I would highly recommend this program to anyone. This cohort has been so much more than just another set of classes to me. It has been completely eye-opening and life-changing. These classes have changed the way I view the world and have deepened my understanding of the perspectives of others that are different from myself. The impact that this has had on my teaching, as well as my personal life, has been invaluable.
Leadership in Teaching: Cultural Proficiency Leadership
Completing the Cultural Proficiency Leadership Endorsement Program at NDMU has been one of the best decisions that I have made. The program is thought-provoking and rewarding, and has promoted positive growth in me, both personally and professionally. The professors are knowledgeable, challenging, supportive, and accepting. I feel that anyone who participates would benefit from the experiences provided in this program.
The GEI program structures the courses and student teaching in a way that allowed me to see the ideas and theories from my coursework put into action in the classrooms at my placement schools. I was able to develop knowledge and experiences with help from mentors, professors, coaches, and other students.