Dr. Anne Lin, dean of the NDMU School of Pharmacy and a national voice on healthcare access, joins retired Rear Admiral and former Assistant Surgeon General Pamela Schweitzer and Baltimore Commissioner of Health Letitia Dzirasa in the “Vaccination from the Misinformation Virus.” Two additional NDMU pharmacy faculty – Drs. Matthew Shimoda, associate dean for student affairs and associate professor of clinical & administrative sciences, and Ashley Moody, an assistant professor of clinical & administrative services – also appear in the film.
Created by Emmy Award-winning producer and director Chris Schueler, the hourlong film provides accurate information about how vaccines work and save lives. In the film, Dr. Lin explains the vital role of pharmacists to provide individuals in their communities with much needed health information and services, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“When physician offices closed during the pandemic, pharmacies didn’t close because where else are people going to go?” said Dr. Lin. “The closest person they can find that’s a healthcare provider when everything is shut down is a pharmacist. Everybody lives within five miles of a pharmacy. So, we’re accessible, and we’re knowledgeable.”
First aired in New Mexico and Arizona in July, the documentary has broadcast on Maryland Public Television in Baltimore, as well as in California, Texas, Michigan, Florida, Nebraska, and Washington, DC.