Student Quotes

“I was excited to hear that this plan was taking initiative to improve student life at NDMU. I am hopeful that this plan will help grow the connections between undergraduate and graduate students.” - Brooke Boyland

"I felt impressed by the level of care and dedication shown by the Student Life offices to offer a quality experience for students. It was a satisfactory experience to see plans that tackled real issues students have, and enhance great experiences that are already present. I am excited to see how the upcoming years shape NDMU and look forward to new effects!" - Taif Ibrahim

Student Leadership Advisory Board (SLAB)

The Student Leadership Advisory Board (SLAB) is a premiere leadership board on NDMU’s campus. This council serves as the student liaison to the Division of Student Life and other university leadership. SLAB provides input, feedback, and advice to the Division of Student Life on vision, policies, processes, programming, climate, and decisions related to student wellness, engagement, and more. SLAB strives to build a vibrant campus for all students. SLAB is composed of a diverse cross-section of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. Members of SLAB provide their unique perspectives and insights. SLAB’s contributions will play a crucial role in shaping the services and programs that support students in achieving their academic goals and timely degree completion.