The Office of Community Standards provides comprehensive services to the Notre Dame of Maryland University community.

Our services

  • Follow-up of behavioral and academic incidents
  • Referral and support of students of concern
  • Advisement of the University Honor Board
  • Educational programmatic initiatives and response to emergency situations in conjunction with Public Safety via the Student Life Duty team

All communities operate with a shared commitment to core values. Guided by the School Sisters of Notre Dame and committed to our long standing mission, Notre Dame of Maryland University strives to build inclusive communities, engage in service to others and to promote social responsibility.

Being part of the NDMU community is a privilege and therefore brings with it the obligation to conduct oneself in ways that promote these goals and build up the community and the obligation to refrain from activity inconsistent with our shared goals and commitments.

Each community member is expected to make choices that preserve a safe and secure environment in which all individuals are able to pursue their academic endeavors, practice responsible citizenship, respect the rights of others, and be accountable for their actions and the actions of their guests.