2 students in dorm

Students requesting accessible housing/ accommodations must make an appointment with the Director of Accessibility first to discuss the process and the necessary documentation and forms. Please understand that single rooms are limited and may not be available. Students requesting accessible housing or accommodations based on a documented disability or medical condition must apply through the Office of Accessibility. The housing accommodations request form and student intake form along with appropriate documentation must be submitted to the Director of Accessibility who works in collaboration with the Director of Housing and Residence Life.

Students who have approved medical singles via an accommodation letter from the Office of Accessibility will be charged a double rate.

Students are encouraged to apply for housing accommodations as early as possible.

Medical Single Room Placement Procedure

Notre Dame of Maryland is committed to the support of students with disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Fair Housing Act, as amended, and their implementing regulations. A limited number of medical single rooms are available for students with medical, neuro/psychological, psychiatric, mobility, visual, or hearing impairment-related conditions, whose conditions prohibit the student from living with a roommate. A student seeking reasonable housing accommodations must have a qualifying disability. All disabilities must be documented on the specific documentation by a licensed provider with expertise in the area of diagnosis. Notre Dame of Maryland University has a two-year residency requirement for students.

Please note that providing the university with medical information does not guarantee a special housing accommodation and that the desire to have a quiet, undisturbed place to study, for example, is insufficient to warrant a special housing accommodation.

To determine eligibility, the student must meet and self-identify with the Office of Accessibility and provide examples of how the disabling condition impacts their daily life and their ability to live in standard housing. The Director of Accessibility makes the final determination of accommodations. Please be advised that medical single rooms are reserved for individuals who document substantial needs and for whom living with a roommate is not viable.

Examples of conditions that ordinarily do not warrant a medical single.

  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Learning Disorders / ADHD
  • Insomnia and sleep problems
  • Orthopedic problems
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

A recommendation from the Office of Accessibility of a Medical Single room is subject to renewal each academic year as needed unless waived by the Director of Accessibility. Please make sure that your medical/mental health provider provides you with the appropriate and current documentation.

Office of Accessibility will review your documentation to determine whether you are eligible to receive a Medical Single Room Accommodation. If approved, the Director of Accessibility will notify the relevant offices necessary to implement the accommodation (e.g., Residence Life, Business Office, etc.). Information about the diagnosis and treatment of your condition remains confidential and will not be shared.

The following documents are not considered acceptable forms of documentation if submitted alone:

  • Handwritten patient records or notes from patient charts.
  • Diagnoses on prescription pads.
  • Self-evaluation found on the internet or in any print publication.
  • Research articles.
  • Correspondence from healthcare providers not directly addressed to the Director and/or Notre Dame of Maryland University, Office of Accessibility

To better serve you, the documentation needs to be submitted by the following dates for priority registration:


While applications submitted after these dates will be accepted and considered, we cannot guarantee that NDMU will be able to meet late applicants’ accommodation needs.

Students granted a single room as a medical accommodation shall be billed for the standard double rate associated with their residence hall.

Office of Accessibility