Information from
1. Speak up if you are worried.
Though it is natural to feel nervous about talking to your friend and bringing up your concern, they need help. Your speaking up may be the beginning of them getting the help that they need. Refer them to resources like the Counseling Center for help. You can also share your concerns with your Community Assistant (CA), who could help you refer your friend to the Counseling Center.
2. Respond quickly in a crisis.
Check to see if your friend has a plan for suicide, the means to do it, a timeframe for their plan, and the intent to follow through. If your friend’s safety seems to be in imminent danger, call 911 or a crisis hotline to get help immediately. You can even take them to the nearest emergency room.
3. Offer help and support.
Let your loved one know you are there for them and that they are not alone. Provide encouragement as they seek the help and support that they need.