Counseling & Psychological Services
When you have determined that a referral to the Counseling Center is appropriate, you can be most helpful by clearly and concisely telling the student why you think counseling would be helpful.
You might also tell the student a few facts about our services:
- All services are free to regularly enrolled students.
- Counselors provide counseling Monday through Thursday from 10 AM to 6 PM and on Friday from 10AM to 3PM.
- All discussions are confidential except when the student presents a danger to self, others, or when abuse is involved.
Early Intervention
Early intervention is preferable to crisis intervention. To ensure prompt attention, it is best to ask in advance for an appointment.
Requesting appointments online is the easiest and fastest way to seek counseling.
Having the student request the appointment increases her/his responsibility and commitment to come for counseling; however, there may be times, especially if the student is in crisis, when it is advantageous for you to call and make the appointment and/or accompany the student to our office.
We will schedule the student with one of our staff as quickly as possible.
Referral Conversation Starters
- We all need some kind of help at some time, even if it's only talking to someone who can listen without criticism or upset.
- It's a sign of increasing maturity when a person knows it's time to seek some help.
- It takes strength and courage to ask for help.
- Sometimes if you're unsure of what you really want to do, that creates tension and stress inside you.
- The professional services at the College are free and totally confidential. Nothing goes in your record. Nobody can find out what you would be talking about.
- Counseling has been helpful to others like yourself. You can try it and see if it helps.
- Have the student request an appointment online or come to the Counseling Center to fill out an intake form.
- Identify the need for an assessment (indicate if it is urgent).
- If an emergency, escort the student to the Counseling Center call Public Safety’s Emergency Line at 410-532-6666 and they will contact the Counselor on Call.
In the instance that the Counseling Center is on a wait list, it is still best to refer the student to us so that we can provide them with the appropriate off-campus referrals.
Clinical staff can assess the urgency of the student’s request for services and potentially provide triage care. Referrals can depend upon whether the student wants to use insurance or needs a sliding scale.
Urgent Referral
In some situations, it may be imperative to request the student be seen as soon as possible.
If a student's situation is urgent, she/he will probably have concerns involving:
- Suicide/fear of losing control and possibly harming/hurting someone
- Sexual assault
- Physical assault or witness to an assault or accident
- Fear for her/his life or for the life of someone they know
- Abuse/recent death of a friend or family member
- Call or have the student call the Emergency Line at 410-532-6666; they will get in touch with the on call staff. You may also escort the student to the Counseling Center if on campus and during office hours. You may knock on closed doors to interrupt a session if it is an emergency.
- State who you are (student, faculty, staff, administrator).
- Identify the need for an urgent assessment (indicate if it is urgent).
- The counseling staff member will make a professional assessment of how quickly the student needs to be seen and appropriate action will be taken.
- If the student is virtual and/or this is after hours (generally 6pm), please call the NMDU/BetterMynd please use the following protocol:
- If you are in immediate crisis/not safe on campus, please contact public safety at 410-532-6666.
- If you are currently off campus, please contact 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis but are not in immediate danger, you can call the NDMU/BetterMynd Crisis Support line at 1-844-BTR-MYND (1-844-287-6963).
When to Call Public Safety
Call Public Safety if you believe:
- You or another person is in immediate danger.
- A student is about to harm her/himself.
- A student is out of control and is disrupting the classroom.
Personal Counseling for NDMU Students
Individual counseling is available to all enrolled Notre Dame of Maryland students. After requesting an appointment, students will be scheduled with the next available counselor. If further intervention is needed, the student will be referred to off-campus treatment providers.
Students can receive crisis assistance or interpersonal therapy throughout the academic year.
Please note that availability of counseling sessions can change based upon counselor availability, and that the course of treatment could change based on student need and the professional judgment of the counseling staff.