In any type of emergency, individuals making the discovery should first move to a safe location and call 911 and then immediately contact Public Safety 410-532-56666. Initial responders should never intervene in any ongoing crime or dangerous event.
All community members should familiarize themselves with the emergency procedures and evacuation routes in buildings in which they live or use frequently. Everyone should be prepared to assess situations quickly but thoroughly, and use common sense in determining a course of action.
Emergency information regarding events that are affecting or that may impact normal University operations will be posted on the University website. This information will be updated periodically, or as needed during emergency periods.
The University has designated certain members to speak with the news media. All media inquiries should be directed to the Office of University Communications or call 443-990-1299.
Faculty, Students and Staff should evacuate to designated assembly areas in an orderly manner when directed to do so by emergency personnel or when an alarm sounds. Students should also maintain contact with Student Life, International Programs and/or Residential Life after a disaster. Faculty and Staff are requested, if safe to do so, to exercise leadership and provide direction for students and visitors during emergency situations.
Notre Dame of Maryland University utilizes the following alert systems to notify the Campus Community of emergency conditions:
*Public Safety must also be called whenever calling 911 for a campus emergency.
Active Shooter events are dynamic and every situation is unique and you must be alert and consider all of the information listed.
If you are involved in a situation where someone has entered the area and started shooting or you hear shooting, the following is a list of actions that are recommended. It should be noted that these types of incidents are unpredictable. The guidelines listed below are recommendations that are based on past experiences; you may have to alter some of these suggestions, depending on the situation.
If exiting the building is not possible, the following actions are recommended:
Finally, if you find yourself in an imminent, life-threatening situation, use any means to disable, distract or as a last resort attack / disarm the shooter. DO NOT remain a stationary target! FIGHT
Upon Receiving A Bomb Threat by Phone:
Drop, Cover and Hold On. Minimize your movements to a few steps to a nearby safe place and if you are indoors, stay there until the shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is safe.
When the shaking stops, look around to make sure it is safe to move. Then exit the building. Expect aftershocks. These secondary shockwaves are usually less violent than the main quake but can be strong enough to do additional damage to weakened structures and can occur in the first hours, days, weeks, or even months after the quake.
Persons trapped in elevators should use emergency telephones in elevators to notify NDMU Public Safety. If for some reason, the elevator phone call does not go through, use cell phone to call NDMU Public Safety at 410-532-5666. Do not attempt to crawl through escape hatches or force elevator doors open. Only trained mechanics, elevator technicians, and fire/rescue personnel are permitted to conduct elevator rescues.
When evacuating your building or work area:
Persons who are either temporarily or permanently disabled to the extent their mobility is impaired should inform their supervisors of their name, building name, room number, and nature of disability. This information can be given to the Baltimore City Fire Department during emergencies. Co-workers may assist evacuating disabled persons only if this places them in no personal danger. Never use elevators.
Always ask someone with a disability how you can help before attempting any rescue technique or giving assistance. Ask the individual how to best assist and whether there are any special considerations or items that need to come with the person.
Mobility impaired persons in wheelchairs on non-ground level floors should proceed to nearest enclosed stairwells and wait for the Baltimore City Fire Department to arrive. Someone should stay with the disabled person, if it does not place them in additional danger and someone should meet responding fire fighters to report the location of disabled persons. Follow the instructions for being trapped if you cannot get to an enclosed stairwell.
Visually impaired persons should have a sighted assistant to guide them to safety. Individually inform hearing-impaired persons of the emergency. Do not assume they know what is happening by watching others.
If you witness a hazardous material spill, evacuate the spill site and warn others to stay away.
If you are the HAZMAT user:
Individuals recognizing HAZMAT spills that require additional notifications and resources will:
Should it become necessary to evacuate a campus building, occupants should proceed to an exterior assembly area. There are assembly areas to the front and rear of most buildings.
Your primary consideration should be to locate a safe distance from the building; and to be clear from any responding emergency vehicles or equipment.
Should it become necessary to temporarily relocate to an alternate campus facility due to extreme weather or a prolonged evacuation, the LeClerc auditorium and/or the MBK gymnasium will be the primary facilities utilized.
In the unlikely event that a total campus evacuation is necessary, one or more of the following relocation sites will be utilized:
University buildings will be immediately and totally evacuated whenever building fire alarms are sounding.
If you see or suspect a fire, remain calm and activate fire alarms.
Report fires by phone from safe places outside buildings.
If safe to do so, shut off all machinery and equipment in work areas.
Do not attempt to fight fires. Close doors and windows if time permits.
Leave buildings at once using nearest exits or stairways. Do not use elevators. Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire. Use the backs of your hands to feel doors and doorknobs before opening doors. Do not open if the door or doorknob feels hot.
Crawl if there is smoke.
Use secondary exits if primary exits are blocked.
If you are trapped:
Do not re-enter buildings for any reason until fire or police officials say it is safe to do so.
Render reasonable assistance to disabled persons. (See Evacuation Procedures - Disabled Individuals)
Gather at a designated assembly area.
Take roll and report missing or unaccounted for individuals to emergency responders.
Faculty and Staff are not expected to remain inside buildings to inspect and move people to exits. However, it is requested that Faculty and Staff, once safely outside, assist by moving people out of exits and away from the building so others can exit safely.
HAZMAT incidents may be:
If you witness a hazardous material spill, evacuate the spill site and warn others to stay away.
If you are the HAZMAT user:
Individuals recognizing HAZMAT spills that require additional notifications and resources will:
If you suspect or witness a release of a hazardous material to the environment (air, water, ground) call NDMU Public Safety.
In any emergency closing/delay situation, our goal is to make timely decisions to assure everyone’s safety. At the same time, we are committed to keeping the campus open whenever possible to avoid disruption to our instructional schedule.
Under usual circumstances, we endeavor to make a determination about holding daytime classes or delaying the opening of campus by 5:30 a.m. Similarly, we seek to make a decision about cancellation of evening classes by 3 p.m.
You will be able to access such announcements via the campus web site, the campus website or the text-alert messaging system e2campus (and we encourage everyone to participate in that system). We also provide this news to local media, although please be aware that it often takes time for them to broadcast such announcements.
Members of the campus community are encouraged to make independent and responsible decisions about travel to campus based on the weather and road conditions in their respective neighborhoods. "Essential" employees are required to work during any official closings. Employees who are not sure of their status should contact their supervisor.
For safety reasons, you are asked to be mindful of the traffic and parking requirements under our snow emergency plans. Should the campus open late, please do not come to campus prior to the announced time so that the campus parking areas and sidewalks can be cleared for your safety.
Please call your supervisor or the Office of Human Resources at 410-532-5155 if you have any questions regarding this policy.
Sheltering in place, sometimes referred to as “Lock Down" means that individuals must seek immediate shelter in buildings or residence halls and remain there until emergency management officials issue additional instructions or declare that emergency conditions have ended.
It is understood that during a Shelter in Place not all doors and buildings may be secured. Notwithstanding, during emergencies that state to lock doors, lock the door in your immediate area if it is lockable.
In the event of a criminal or violent act that has been committed at Notre Dame of Maryland University or in the adjacent areas near the campus, it may become necessary to Shelter In Place within campus buildings.
When notified by Public Safety to Shelter-In-Place due to criminal activity, these procedures will be followed:
Anyone receiving mail and packages should regularly, reasonably, and prudently examine those materials before opening them. Characteristics that may cause letters and packages to be treated as suspect are:
If you discover a suspicious letter or package:
If the letter or package has been opened, notify NDMU Public Safety 410-532-5360:
Tornadoes and Severe Storms present a substantial threat to Notre Dame of Maryland University, especially during the spring and summer seasons.
Everyone should pay attention to weather conditions, listen to the radio and television for weather alert information or if you receive an alert from NDMU, seek shelter immediately.
Faculty and Staff, if safe to do so, are requested to provide direction and assistance to students and visitors by directing them to a location where they may seek shelter.
Individuals who become violent at work or threaten to become violent have usually displayed behaviors long before they take any action. Individuals prone to workplace violence may:
Immediately call Public Safety at 410-532-5666 and be prepared to report information that may include: