Apr 02

Morrissy Honors Program 40th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday, April 2, 2022 - Saturday, April 2, 2022
Fourier 103

Calling all Morrissy Alumnae! Dr. Evelyn Spratt (Morrissy Program Director) and Dr. Andrew Moore (School of Education) are conducting an oral history project to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Morrissy Honors Program. They are working with two current Morrissy undergraduates, Kristina Pickering ’22 and Jensen Armstrong ’24 in an exciting project that was recently presented as a model for faculty-student collaborative research at the National Collegiate Honors Council. These researchers are conducting interviews with Morrissy alumnae from 1981-2021 and need your help. If you would like to share your experiences in the Program and can give 30 minutes of your time for a virtual interview, we would love to have you be a part of Morrissy history! Contact Dr. Spratt at espratt@ndm.edu for more information.

Please also join us for a reception to celebrate 40 years of the Elizabeth Morrissy Honors Program! At the reception, students, faculty, staff and alumnae will gather for appetizers, beverages, wine, and birthday cake. Attendees will reunite friendships, learn about the history of the program, meet current students, and to get a look at the future of the program. The cost to attend will be $19.82 to commemorate the founding year of the Elizabeth Morrissy Honors Program. Registration will close on March 23, 2022.

headshot of evelyn spratt

Evelyn Spratt

Director of the Morrissy Honors Program, Associate Professor

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