Students who have FWS awards will continue to receive their FWS dollars.

The formula for paying students (despite not being able to perform work on campus) will take into consideration the average number of hours the student typically would work and what their work schedule would have been. HR will be checking with each of the FWS student’s supervisor to obtain the scheduled hours. Students will continue to be paid for the hours they would have worked using their remaining FWS funds. We realize you rely on this money for basic needs.

  • Students awarded FWS should communicate with their supervisor to determine if they are able to report to work remotely.
  • If telework is not available for your position, you will continue to be paid for your regularly scheduled hours, not to exceed your FWS award.
  • For those FWS students working remotely, regular timesheets should continue to be submitted in accordance with the procedures of the Office of Human Resources.