In order to keep you prepared and well-informed, we have posted valuable information on our First Student website, which is available for download below.
Below you can find additional information about the virus, such as symptoms to look for, links to the CDC website, and ways to contact medical and mental health professionals should you become ill.
Doctors are making house calls again! Included with your student insurance plan, and provided by HealthiestYou, is 24/7/365 access to board-certified physicians online or on the phone (where permitted). Totally worth it for minor stuff (like allergies, pink eye and earaches), the doctors on Telehealth can even send a prescription to your preferred pharmacy. The future is here!
This service is not limited to only the students insured on the plan. Any student can use it and if a student is not insured under our plan, they will be charged $40.
With My Account you’ll have immediate access to view and print your ID cards and access to your claim history, including EOBs.
Yes. Our student health insurance plans treat the Coronavirus the same as any other virus, so if you do contract it, it will be covered under the policy.