School of Pharmacy Students Shine at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting in Las Vegas! Kudos to all the students who participated in poster presentations on Dec. 6, 2016:

Bryan Ahlstrand ’17,  Elizabeth Alvarez ’17, David Lewis ‘17 – “Adherence to Guidelines for Transition Patients between Anticoagulants”

Janet Akinduro ’18, Nahed Elias ’18,  – “Development and Implementation of a Pilot Pharmacy Home Care Service with Second and Fourth Year Pharmacy Students in Older Adults”

Cesar Bejarano ’18 – “PGY-2 Residency Roundtable to Expose Pharmacy Students to Various Residency Opportunities”

Val Behbahani ’17, Rhiannon Marselli ‘17 – ‘Improving Communication About Medication HCAHPS Scores: A Collaboration of Pharmacists and Nurses on Patient Education at a Community Teaching Hospital”

Megan Cook ’17, Rafael Otero-Santiago ‘17 – “Utilization of Validated Opioid Over-Dose Knowledge and Attitudes Scale to Assess Education on Opioid Overdose Training for Pharmacists”

Rachel Dewberry ’17, Naveen Samuel ‘17 – “Implementation of a Simulated Hospital Medication Reconciliation Policy to Teach Medication Reconciliation Upon Admission in a Pharmacist Care Laboratory”

Jermae Jerlin Dizon ’17 – “ Implementing Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in a Community Hospital”

Hann Fenta ’17 – “Probiotic Protocol Utilization in an Inpatient Geriatrics Unit”

Reine Lienou ’17, Shayne Wharton ‘17 – “Use of Topiramate for the Treatment of Substance Abuse: A Systematic Review”

Erica Moran ’17 – “Appropriateness of Initial Antibiotic Therapy for Community- Acquired Pneumonia in a Small, Community Hospital”

Amanda Nguyen ’17 – “ Observational Survey-Based Study of Healthcare Access Following the Maryland Health Progress Act of 2013 in Homeless Women of My Sister’s Place”

Barbara Obot ’17 Appropriateness of Initial  Antibiotic Therapy for Urinary Tract Infection in a Small, Community Hospital”

Tejas Patel ’17 – “Assessing the Impact of Substance Abuse Education on Student Pharmacist’s Perspective of Addiction”

Alexandra Phan ’17 – “Evaluation of the Appropriateness of Initial Antibiotic Therapy in Sepsis”

Olivia Weiss ’17 – “Incidence and Trends in Anticoagulants Used in a Small, Community Hospital”