Transforming Our World by Promoting Flourishing in Teacher Education, Research, and Policy
The Teacher Education for Flourishing Collaborative at Notre Dame of Maryland University brings together researchers, administrators, practitioners, and thought-leaders to promote flourishing in teacher education. We believe that focusing on flourishing within teacher preparation and training programs is the first step towards a much-needed paradigm shift in education.
By providing professional development and resources to schools, the TEFC offers opportunities for teachers and their students to flourish.
The TEFC works in partnership with the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard and the Consortium for Human Flourishing at Saint Louis University to bring about comprehensive change to the wellbeing of school communities around the world.
The Teacher Education for Flourishing Collaborative is a network NDMU faculty and staff, professional development schools (PDS), and external partners from around the world who are interested in promoting flourishing in education.
Feel free to contact us if you are interested in collaboration or if have any questions about the collaborative. We look forward to hearing from you!