Prior to teaching at Notre Dame, I was an elementary classroom teacher, mathematics resource teacher, mathematics intervention teacher, and mathematics coach. I have been at Notre Dame since 2009. Since then, I have taught in the School of Education in both the undergraduate and graduate programs. My focus is on providing high quality instruction to preservice and in-service elementary teachers with a focus on mathematics. In my courses, I strive to model effective teaching practices and provide my students with content and pedagogical knowledge to be effective educators.
I have represented Notre Dame in a variety of professional associations and at conferences. I have served as a board member of the Association for Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators. I have also presented at a variety of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conferences. Additionally, I am an edTPA national scorer and have presented at local and national edTPA conferences.
At Notre Dame, I have served on School of Education committees, including the Professional Development Schools Committee and the edTPA committee. I have also served on the institutional Middle States Committee and the Research Day Committee.